
Dungeons&Dragons feiert im Jahre 2024 50-jähriges Jubiläum feiern.


Mike Mearls und der Kern von DnD

Begonnen von Greifenklaue, 26. Juni 2011, 00:40:52

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Interessanter Artikel über das, was alle DnD-versionen gemeinsam haben.



•The six ability scores—Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma—as the categories for measuring a character's abilities.

•Armor Class as the basic representation of a character's defense.

•Alignment (Law v. Chaos, Good v. Evil) as a personal ethos and a force in the universe.

•Attack rolls made using a d20, with higher rolls better than lower ones.

•Classes as the basic framework for what a character can do.

•Damage rolls to determine how badly a spell or attack hurts you.

•Gold pieces as the standard currency for treasure.

•Hit dice or level as the basic measure of a monster's power.

•Hit points as a measure of your ability to absorb punishment, with more powerful characters and creatures gaining more of them.

•Levels and experience points as a measure of power and a mechanic that lets characters become more powerful over time.

•Magic items such as +1 swords as a desirable form of treasure.

•Rolling initiative at the start of a battle to determine who acts first.

•Saving throws as a mechanic for evading danger.

•"Fire-and-forget" magic, with spellcasters expending a spell when casting it.
"In den letzten zehn Jahren hat sich unser Territorium halbiert, mehr als zwanzig Siedlungen sind der Verderbnis anheim gefallen, doch nun steht eine neue Generation Grenzer vor mir. Diesmal schlagen wir zurück und holen uns wieder, was unseres ist.
Schwarzauge wird büssen."

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