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The Legend of Drizzt - 4. DnD-Boardgame

Begonnen von Greifenklaue, 19. März 2011, 00:13:43

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"Erscheint voraussichtlich im Oktober
A cooperative game for 1--5
players based on the New York
Times best-selling adventures of
Drizzt Do'Urden.
The adventures of Drizzt Do'Urden,
as told in the New York Times bestselling
Forgotten Realms novels by
R.A. Salvatore, come to life in this
thrilling board game. Take on the
role of the legendary drow ranger or
one of his famous adventuring
companions, battle fearsome foes,
and win treasure and glory.
Designed for 1--5 players, this board game features multiple scenarios,
challenging quests, and cooperative game play. The contents of this
game can also be combined with other D&D Adventure System
Cooperative Play board games, including Castle Ravenloft and Wrath of
Ashardalon, to create an even more exciting experience.
This game includes the following components:
- 42 plastic heroes and monsters
- 13 sheets of interlocking cardstock dungeon tiles
- 200 encounter cards and treasure cards
- Rulebook
- Scenario book
- 20-sided die"
"In den letzten zehn Jahren hat sich unser Territorium halbiert, mehr als zwanzig Siedlungen sind der Verderbnis anheim gefallen, doch nun steht eine neue Generation Grenzer vor mir. Diesmal schlagen wir zurück und holen uns wieder, was unseres ist.
Schwarzauge wird büssen."

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