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[Setting] Mystara 2300 BC

Begonnen von Greifenklaue, 01. Januar 2011, 19:03:23

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Gefunden von Cyric.

"The Mystara 2300 BC campaign setting is a dark and foreboding world, full of despotic oppressive rulers trying to hold on to their increasingly tenuous rule with increasingly brutal methods. It is a post cataclysmic world, where the golden age of yesteryear and the advancements of Blackmoor can still be remembered, first hand in some cases. It is a world brimming with suffering and struggle, but it is also a world of hope.


Present day Mystara is typically set in the year AC 1000, which is 3300 years in the future with respect to the Mystara 2300 BC setting. This may raise concerns, especially with groups that play in the present era as well, that character actions may alter the entire future of the campaign world.
Enterprising DMs may wish to take this added responsibility on, however these kinds of world changing events are beyond the scope of this document."


"In den letzten zehn Jahren hat sich unser Territorium halbiert, mehr als zwanzig Siedlungen sind der Verderbnis anheim gefallen, doch nun steht eine neue Generation Grenzer vor mir. Diesmal schlagen wir zurück und holen uns wieder, was unseres ist.
Schwarzauge wird büssen."

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