
Dungeons&Dragons feiert im Jahre 2024 50-jähriges Jubiläum feiern.


Welche mythische Kreatur bist Du?

Begonnen von Greifenklaue, 28. Dezember 2012, 00:15:55

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Mit diesen 20 Fragen findest Du es heraus!


You are a

The Chupacabra is a South American hairless mammal whose appearance changes from person to person and from story to story. But usually it is in the form of a dog and is Vampire. Cupacabras like to have a good work before munching on some good meat. They are stalkers of the forests and are at home outdoors. They can be solitary and are not the most sociable of creatures.
"In den letzten zehn Jahren hat sich unser Territorium halbiert, mehr als zwanzig Siedlungen sind der Verderbnis anheim gefallen, doch nun steht eine neue Generation Grenzer vor mir. Diesmal schlagen wir zurück und holen uns wieder, was unseres ist.
Schwarzauge wird büssen."


You are a

Frost Giant

The Frost Giants are known for their competitions and battles against the Norse gods. These Giants are enormous and are far taller than your house. They are friendly to each other, devoted to their partner and like being the man of the house. They love being outdoors, knocking things up and then relaxing with a cool pint of beer. They are quite creative and some love to carve the landscape around them. They are generally amiable creatures but they have an aggressive side and are highly competitive - determined to win at everything.
Koona t'chuta, Solo?

Der Mann in Schwarz floh durch die Wüste, und der Revolvermann folgte ihm.


You are a

   The Tripoderoo (aka Whirling Whimpus) is a comical creature and one of the Fearsome Critters that originate from the old stories of the North American lumberjacks. The Tripoderoo lives in the forest walking on its three legs and eating fruit and vegetables. However it likes to have lots of fun and play tricks on people. It uses its telescopic eyes on the end of each leg to spot a lumberjack and then it waits and hides in a bush. When the lumberjack comes close, the Tripoderoo shoots of out clay from its nose, knocking out its victim.

Nun weiß ich nicht, ob dass gut oder schlecht ist, aber immerhin bin ich ein lustiger Geselle.  :-)

..... und wieder nur ein Gehirn für alle!
Darin liegt Romeros subversives Genie, dem Publikum zu geben, wonach es sich sehnt – und dann noch eine Menge Zeug dazu, was man nie haben wollte.


You are a
Minotaurs are very masculine creatures packed with testosterone. They live alone in their labyrinth but frequently come out of their cave. They are strong creatures and highly skilled in many things. they don't like they're job and would rather be at home chilling, having lots of sex or hitting the gym to lift weights. They highly motivated in achieving their goals and quick to make decisions.
Gott schütze mich vor meinen Freunden !
Vor meinen Feinden schütze ich mich selbst.


You are a

Fairies are little sparkling creatures with delicate wings and a sweet smile. They are very friendly and happy creatures that like to have fun with all their friends. They are very excitable and have a lot of energy - perhaps a bit too much! They are very happy and innocent creatures always looking to have fun. However although they may come across as eccentric and happy, deep down they can be quite shy and emotional creatures.
Bowties are Cool!

Conventus Leonis ---- 23.-25. März ´12                                                                               
Wie immer im Jugendzentrum Mühle in Braunschweig

Infos unter:
und bald auch hier

Galiban Uthmatar

Frost Giant

Culture:    Behaviour:
Attribute:    Attribute:

The Frost Giants are known for their competitions and battles against the Norse gods. These Giants are enormous and are far taller than your house. They are friendly to each other, devoted to their partner and like being the man of the house. They love being outdoors, knocking things up and then relaxing with a cool pint of beer. They are quite creative and some love to carve the landscape around them. They are generally amiable creatures but they have an aggressive side and are highly competitive - determined to win at everything.
Ich hab keine schlechte Laune. Steine vom Balkon werfen entspannt mich halt einfach.

Manchmal, wenn mir langweilig ist, gehe ich zu IKEA, setze mich in einen Schrank und sobald jemand die Tür öffnet, rufe ich: "Willkommen in Narnia!"


Ich bin nur durch einen Tippfehler hier, eigentlich wollte ich aufs Reifenklauen-Forum...
Wer hat meinem Goldfisch das Töten beigebracht???

Hrun der Zwergenzwicker

You are a Dragon!

Dragons the mot well known mythical creature of all time and are both loved and feared. They like to gain money, success and reputation which they do by using their great intellect and talent. They are not push overs and know when to lay a firm hand. They are not shy and are ready to do whatever it takes to be the best.
So wilde Freude nimmt ein wildes Ende.

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